1. Any person who is Kenyan and over 18 years shall be eligible for membership of the group.
  2. Prospective member shall apply for membership on application forms giving particulars as may be required by the existing members, such forms to include an undertaking that the applicant will be bound to observe all the rules and regulations of the group.
  3. All applications for membership of the group will be considered by the existing members in a meeting and whose decision thereon shall be final.
  4. The group may refuse to admit any person as a member without giving any reason for such refusal.
  5. If the behavior or conduct of any member in the group is of such nature as to be derogatory or injurious to the standing or reputation of the group, or if he/she renders him/ herself by word of deed, unfit for association with other members of the group, he/she may be expelled from the group.
  6. All applicants must be free from political affairs to qualify for membership.

Resignation and Expulsion

  1. Any member desiring to resign from the group shall submit her resignation letter through the chairman, which shall take effect from the date of receipt by the secretary however, the resignation MUST give one month’s notice of intention to resign.
  2. Any member may be expelled from membership if the management committee so recommends and if a general meeting of the group shall resolve by a two-third (2/3) of the members that such a member should be expelled on the grounds that his/her conduct has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of the group, or that he/she has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of the group.


  1. Attend all monthly and other meetings that may be decided from time to time.
  2. Pay all fines, penalties, interests and other sums as defined under conduct and discipline below.
  3. Strictly adhere to the rules and regulation of the Group as provided for by the constitution and the Group by-laws.
  4. Pay all dues and fees including the membership fee and monthly contribution as well as any other fee that may be set from time to time.
  5. Any incidental expenses must be approved by the members